Service and music lists

2021: June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2020 : 2019 : 2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013 : 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2003

Services June 2021

Sunday 6th
10.00 amAll the Family ServiceCW"Caring for God's Acre"
Chaos Creation Haydn
All things bright and beautiful Rutter
Rustle of Spring Sinding
Sunday 13th8.00 amHoly CommunionBCP
10.00 amParish CommunionCWThe Mustard Seed
Variations 'Noel Nouvelet' Op. 20 Dupré
Now the green blade riseth arr. Lindley
Author of Life Divine McDowall
Cibavit Eos Byrd
Fugato & Toccata 'Noel Nouvelet' Op. 20 Dupré
Sunday 20th8.00 amHoly CommunionBCP
10.00 amFamily EucharistCWStorm on Lake Gallilee
Adoratio Grunenwald
Out from the deep Tallis
Be still, my soul Sibelius
O sacrum convivium Byrd
Finlandia (abridged) Sibelius
Thursday 24th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 27th8.00 amHoly CommunionBCP
10.00 amParish CommunionCWJairus' Daughter
Clarifica me pater MB V:4 Tomkins
I have longed for thy saving health Byrd
As water to the thirsty Coleman/Penny
Locus iste Bruckner
Con Moto Op 78/i Saint-Saëns

Services July 2021

Sunday 4th
10.00 amAll the Family ServiceCW"Gift Day"
Interlude Praise and thanksgiving Bullard
Psalm 150 Chilcott
Now thank we all our God BWV 657 J.S.Bach
Thursday 8th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 11th
10.00 amParish CommunionCWJohn the Baptist
Behold the Lamb of God Sinfonia in honour of John the Baptist Hakim
On Jordan's bank arr. Archer
Ave Verum Elgar
Give us the wings of faith Whitbourn
The voice of one crying in the wilderness Sinfonia .. John the Baptist Hakim
Thursday 15th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 18th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCWGenessaret
Folk Tune Five Short Pieces Whitlock
Now the God of peace Knight
Sacerdotes Domini Byrd
Ubi Caritas Gjeilo
Paean Five Short Pieces Whitlock
Thursday 22nd11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 25th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCWSt James
Allein Gott BWV 663 J.S.Bach
Hail glorious spirits, heirs of light Tye
Isti sunt viri sancti Palestrina
Paean Leighton

Services August 2021

Sunday 1st
10.00 amAll the Family ServiceCWMoses
An wasserflussen Babylon BWV 653 J.S.Bach
Moses, I know you're the man White arr. Tambling
Thy word is a lantern Purcell
Voluntary in d Z718 Purcell
Sunday 8th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCW
Veni Redemptor I & II Tallis
Verily, verily Tallis
Ego sum panis vivus Byrd
A fancy in C fa ut MB XX:13 Gibbons
Sunday 15th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCWBVM
Antienne Salve Regina Mariales Hakim
There is no rose Skempton
Blest Mary arr Cleobury
Fugue on the Magnificat BWV 733 J.S.Bach
Sunday 22nd
10.00 amFamily EucharistCW
Bread of the world Aston
Ego sum panis Palestrina
Psalm 150 Hagen
Sunday 29th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCW
Ut, re mee, fa, sol, la Byrd
If ye love me Tallis
View me, Lord Lloyd
Toccata in 7 Rutter

Services September 2021

Thursday 2nd11.00 amHoly CommunionCW
Sunday 5th10.00 amAll the FamilyCWThe Promised Land
Largo Op 75/2 Peeters
Psalm 114 When Israel came out of Egypt Bairstow
And I saw a new heaven Bainton
Festal Voluntary Op 87 Peeters
6.30 pmGarden EucharistCWIn Vicarage garden
Thursday 9th11.00 amHoly CommunionCW
Sunday 12th10.00 amParish CommunionCWMathias
"O man, bewail thy mortal sin" BWV 622 J.S.Bach
Lord, for thy tender mercy sake Farrant
Wondrous Cross Wilby
Toccata Suite Modale Op 42/4 Peeters
Thursday 16th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 19th10.00 amParish CommunionCWMathias
Adagio Suite Modale Op 42/3 Peeters
God be in my head Howells
Beati quorum via Stanford
Prelude - 'Spitfire' The First of the Few Walton
Thursday 23rd11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 26th10.00 amParish CommunionCWMathias
"I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ" BWV 639 J.S.Bach
Hide not thou thy face Farrant
A Prayer from South Africa Whitbourn
Toccata Op 42/5 Widor

Services October 2021

Sunday 3rd10.00 amFamily ServiceCWHarvest
Thou visiteth the earth Greene
For the beauty of the earth Rutter
Postlude "All things Bright and Beautiful" Hewitt-Jones
6.30 pmChoral CommunionCWPalestrina Missa Brevis
Prelude "East Acklam" Jackson (b 2/10/1917)
Ubi Caritas Duruflé
Chorale Fughetta "Monkland" Blackwell
Thursday 7th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 10th
10.00 amParish CommunionCW
Schmuke dich BWV 654 J.S.Bach
Behold, how good and joyful Vann
Listen, sweet Dove Ives
Hymn to the Sun Op 53/3 Vierne
6.30 pmCompline
Sarabande for the 12th day of any October Partita Howells
A Clare Benediction Rutter
Before the ending of the day Rutter
Thursday 14th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 17th10.00 amParish CommunionCW
O taste and see Vaughan Williams
Christus factus est Bruckner
Alla Marcia Wills
6.30 pmChoral EvensongBCPSmith
Stanford in Bb
Haec Dies à 4 Palestrina
Choral Song S.S. Wesley
Thursday 21st11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 24th10.00 amParish CommunionCW
O Lord, increase my faith Loosemore
Thy word is a lantern Purcell
Carillon de Westminster Op 54/6 Vierne
6.30 pmChoral EvensongBCPSmith
Harwood in Ab
Solun ad Victimam Leighton
Festival Fanfare Leighton
Thursday 28th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 31stAll Saints' Sunday
10.00 amParish CommunionCWMathias/Dove Missa Brevis
Holy is the true light Harris
Give us the wings of faith Whitbourn
Toccata 'O when the saints Herschel-Hill

Services November 2021

Thursday 4th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 7th10.00 amAll the Family ServiceCWAlleluia Jubilate Whitbourn
Fanfare 'Shine, Jesus, Shine' Tambling
6.30 pmChoral CommunionCWDove Missa Brevis
O quam gloriosum Victoria
Placare Christus servulis Tombeau de Titelouze Dupré
Thursday 11th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 14th10.53 amCWService at War Memorial
11.30 amParade ServiceCW
Eternal Rest Whitbourn
Allegro Risoluto Symphonie VIII Widor
6.30 pmQuiet CommunionCW
Thursday 18th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 21st10.00 amFamily EucharistCWCommemoration of Faithful Departed
God be in my head Rutter
Ubi Caritas Gjeilo
If ye love me Stopford
Choral Symphonie IIVierne
6.30 pmChoral EvensongBCPFrith
Howells Collegium Regale
Hymn to St CeciliaHowells
Allegro Impetuoso Howells
Thursday 25th11.00 amHoly Communion
Sunday 28th10.00 amParish CommunionCW
O Oriens O Antiphon Sequence McDowall
Ostende nobis Domine Skempton
This is the truth Vaughan Williams
O Emmanuel O Antiphon Sequence McDowall
Lo He comes Op. 72/1 Leighton
6.30 pmAdvent Carol ServiceFrom darkness to Light
Carols and Hymns for Advent (Descants/arrangements Noyce)
Creator alme Plainsong
Remember O thou man Ravenscroft
I look from afar Palestrina
This is the record of John Gibbons
A rose there is a-springing Praetorious/Cashmore
Magnificat (Collegium Regale) Howells
In the Stillness Beamish
O thou the central orb Wood
Advent Fantasy Hosking (Joint 1st performance)

Services December 2021

Sunday 5th
10.00 amFamily ServiceCWSt Nicholas - Giving
Veni Emmanuel Te Velde
Give almes of thy goods Tye
Wake, O Wake! BWV 645 J.S.Bach
6.30 pmChoral CommunionCWSt Nicholas Mass Haydn
How beautiful upon the mountains Stainer
Finale Little Cornard Bullard
Sunday 12th10.00 amParish CommunionCW
Rejoice in the Lord alway Anon
This is the record of John Gibbons
Carillon "People, Look east" te Velde
6.30 pmComplineCW
Conditor Alme Peeters
Confortamini et iam nolite timere Lassus
Veni Redemptor Byrd
Sunday 19th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCW
Puer Nobis Nascitur Dandrieu
The angel Gabriel arr Pettman
There is no rose Skempton
Toccata Veni Emmanuel Carter
6.30 pmService Lessons & CarolsSpecial order of Service
Advent Chorales J.S.Bach
Congreational Hymns & Carols
Ding dong merrily on high arr. Wilberg
Adam lay y-bounden Skempton
In dulci jubilo Pearsall
Blest Mary wanders through the thorn arr. Cleobury
There is no rose Skempton
I sing of a maiden Willis
My Lord has come Todd
Eastern Monarchs Penny
Word made flesh Wilby
In Dulci Jubilo J.S.Bach
Toccata-Prelude Vom Himmel Hock Edmundson
Christmas Eve 24th4.00 pmCrib Service
My Lord has come Todd
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen Bennet
11.30 pmFirst Communion of ChristmasCW
In Dulci Jubilo Pearsall
Infant Holy arr. Willcocks
God rest ye merry Held
Christmas Day 25th
10.00 amFamily EucharistCW
Ding dong! Merrily on high arr. Wood
Blest Mary wanders through the thorn arr. Cleobury>
Declamation/Gloria Bedford
Sunday 26th
10.00 amParish CommunionCWSaid, with hymns

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