
Thank you for visiting us. We hope you will find something of use, support, encouragement and/or reassurance.

Above and to the right are links to various parts of our website which we hope will answer most of your detailed questions. This page is intended to help you decide where to start - free from churchy jargon. If you can't find what you're looking for - or think we could be clearer please contact us. As we are real people it may be a few hours until we reply - we will do so as soon as we can.

Special services

If you want to know more about arranging a baptism or what happens during the service please click here

If you want to know more about arranging a funeral or what happens during the service please click here

If you want to know more about arranging a wedding or what happens during the service please click here

For those starting out

As well as 'traditional' services, held on most Sunday mornings and evenings, we have a regular cycle of alternatives. These include Healing Services, informal activities such as Messy Church, very peaceful Choral Compline (occasional Sunday Evenings) and regular Songs of Praise with hymns chosen by us. Dates for these are shown in our diary. Future plans can be found in the event list.

We also have a number of regular activities through our various groups, social events and our Seniors Tea and Thanksgiving. You will be very welcome at any of these.

For those who are just glad we're here

Recently a group of our neighbours got together to form Friends of AS as they felt it was easy to forget what an important role All Saints Church plays in all our lives as an essential hub for the whole community as well as providing some much needed 'space' both in the building and in our 6 acres of churchyard - a haven for wildlife.

Their hope is to focus the town and county’s attention on just what a valuable asset All Saints is and how it really is available to everyone no matter what your individual religious or philosophical views may be. All Saints is a place of Anglican worship but that does not mean it does not share its hospitality and amenities with everyone in Hertford.

For the seasoned church-goer

Hopefully you have been able to find what you need from other parts of the web-site. If not, please tell us. Whilst Perfection is Divine we do want to do our best!

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Useful links

How to find us

Directions and maps

Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at https://www.stjohnshallhertford.org/.

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator: office@allsaintshertford.org

Can't find something?

Please email us office@allsaintshertford.org (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar vicar@allsaintshertford.org.