Resources for Lent/Easter 2021

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Welcome. In this very different and difficult year we still look forward to the Joy of our Lord's Resurrection at Easter.

To help with this we are offering a number of different ways that everyone can take part both in person and in their own time. We have also made our annual 'Count your Blessings' Lent Calendar available as a free download (all donations gratefuly received).

We have grouped the information below into four sections; firstly our plans for Loves in the Churchyard, secondly the (on-line) Church Services we run thirdly, materials for use at home and lastly, but not least, is also a set of activities for families.

We are running a Lent Course on Tuesdays at 19.30 on Zoom. Do join us for any or all of the sessions.

We are preparing a special retreat at home with multiple strands during Holy Week (28th March-3rd April). There is more information in our newsletter of March 5th. Full details and links will be posted here by mid March.

Love in the Churchyard

All Saints tree

All Saints tree

The church of All Saints, Hertford has adopted the theme of Love in Lent.

We are celebrating love in all its forms – Love of God, love of our neighbours, love of the planet and love of ourselves.

The church porch tells the story of Lent and Easter, the churchyard has a display of hearts of all shapes and sizes, a prayer garden as well as seventeen posters depicting the different themes.

All Saints tree

All Saints tree

Life at the moment is very hard; people are enduring great loss and suffering, yet we also see everywhere the love that is being poured out by health professionals, teachers, keyworkers, within families and among strangers.

We invite all members of the community to join us by making and hanging hearts in the trees, and also, during permitted daily exercise, to enjoy walking round the churchyard, where snowdrops are blooming, and crocuses and daffodils are beginning to open up.

We are avoiding the area where our Advent Messy Church tree was as crocuses, planted in memory of loved ones, are just pushing through there. However, trees and shrubs in the rest of the churchyard are all available!

Video of Churchyard

Do come and enjoy our six acres of space and see how many different birds and plants you can spot too. if you are able to come in person do watch this short video filmed by Soraia, one of our choristers.

Heart by Isabel

Another heart by Isabel

If you can visit us, see if you can find these two hearts made by Isabel, our youngest chorister. And, of course, children (and adults) of all ages are very welcome to add more. Already, there are many celebrating events, remembering people and/or expressing hopes for the future.

Let’s all join together to salute the power of love. With six acres there's plenty of space for more. Come and add to the rich diversity of this celebfration of love and life in Hertford!

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions.

In church

Open doors

This week we are open for the following:

5.00 pm Evening Prayer
8.00 am Morning Prayer
12.00 noon for 1.00 pm Soundbites Christopher Weston Piano
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
8.00 am Morning Prayer
11.00 am Holy Communion
1.00 pm Funeral of Janet Walker
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
7.30 pm All Saints Art
HRC Degree Ceremony
6.30 pm Choir Practices
9.30 am Morning Prayer
7.00 pm Concert by HCS
27thLast Sunday after Trinity
10.00 am Parish Communion
6.30 pm Choral Evensong
8.00 am Morning Prayer
12.00 noon Funeral of Shirley Hamilton
5.00 pm Evening Prayer

Directions from Google Maps.

We continue to be mindful of our own and other people's safety. Further details here.

At Home

With All Saints

Lent Course

Cover of living his story

We invite you all to join us on a Lent course, based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2021, Living His Story by Hannah Steele, available from Amazon in paperback and on kindle. To accompany this course, or as stand-alone reading through Lent there are daily reflections. These are published in a booklet, and also available as a a free app, via email, audio and through the Church of England’s social media accounts.

More information with full programme and Zoom links.

Retreat at home

We are preparing a special retreat at home with multiple strands during Holy Week (28th March-3rd April). There is more information in our newsletter of March 5th. Full details and links will be posted here by mid March.

Further afield

The Diocese has pulled together an array of resources from far and wide which can be found their seasonal resources webpage.

For Families

The Diocese's Youth and Children team have produced an all age course Tell me a story:Lent. They have posted more resources on their webpage.

Families can join in with these activities from the Church of England for each day in Lent. These are also available via the free iOS and Android apps.

There a wide range of activities on the Hope Filled Family website, and a further 27 ideas at flamecreativekids.

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Lent Calendar

Free download

Lent Course

Lent Course

Short Video

Short Video filmed in our Churchyard.

This page

Love in the Churchyard

Church Services

Materials for use at home


Materials for families

How to find us

Directions and maps

Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator:

Can't find something?

Please email us (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar