Keeping All Saints Alive Through Stewardship

2022 giving card

It costs over £2000 per week to maintain All Saints Church. We do not get any central church funding and rely entirely on people giving as generously as they can to cover this cost which covers the pay of the clergy, keeping the church building maintained and comfortable and supporting our charitable work in the community.

Although the height of the Covid-19 pandemic is behind us, we contiue to experience significant after effects. Our costs continue to rise nonetheless, and our income has been severely impacted by not being able to use our church for community events to the extent we are used to. Whilst this is gradually changing we are projecting a significant financial shortfall this year and next. We are taking active steps to address this and anticipate getting our finances on a secure footing by 2025. In the meantime we continue to rely on people's generosity to 'bridge the gap'.


You can give via our account which includes the option to gift aid your support.

You can donate by text - just text ASH followed by an amount to 70085 and your gift will come straight to us.

Alternatively, you can make a transfer directly to our bank account, All Saints Hertford Parochial Church Council, sort code 60-10-39, account number 07001126. Our Stewardship Officer, Julia Gough can provide a standing order to those who wish to give this way regularly.

You can even send a cheque to Julia Gough, 72 Brickendon Lane,
SG13 3HY

Alternatively simply leave your name address (optionally telephone number) at the back of the church in the box marked "Stewardship Scheme" and we will contact you with further information.

We are incredibly grateful to all who support our work. Thank You!

Stewardship Officer

Julia Gough. You can email her at or call her on 07864 080034.

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Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator:

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Please email us (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar