All Saints Church Annual Reports and Accounts
We are separate charity (Number 1134035) registered in 2010 and all relevant materials are lodged with the Charity Commission. Our entry can be found here.
Annual Meetings 28th April 2024
Our 2024 meetings were held in Church on Sunday 28th April 2024.
Meeting of Parishioners 11.30
To elect Churchwardens for 2024-2025. Formal notice of results.
Annual Parish Meeting 11.35
The meeting covered
- a report on the changes to the changes to the Electoral Roll since the last Annual Meeting.
- an annual report on the activities of the parish generally and
a summary of proceedings of the PCC,
- the formal financial statements of the PCC for the year ending on the 31 December preceeding the meeting, management and group accounts,
- the annual Fabric Report under section 50 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018, and
- a Report of the proceedings of the Deanery Synod.
- Election of PCC Members. Formal notice of results.
Agendas and Minutes | |
Agendas. | |
2023 Meeting of Parishioners. | |
2023 Annual Parish Church Meeting. | |
Electoral Roll | |
2024 Electoral Roll. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Memorial Fund and Charity Accounts | |
Activity Reports | |
All Saints Art | |
Bellringers | |
Deanery Synod. | |
Fabric Report | |
Flower Club | |
GreenWatch | |
Mothers Union | |
Music | |
Produce | |
Safeguarding | |
Work Party |
Annual Meetings 23rd April 2023
Our 2023 meetings were held in Church on Sunday 23rd April 2023.
Meeting of Parishioners 11.30
To elect Churchwardens for 2023-2024. Formal notice of results.
Annual Parish Meeting 11.35
The meeting covered
- a report on the changes to the Electoral Roll since the last Annual Meeting.
- an annual report on the activities of the parish generally including the proceedings of the PCC, and our plans for the future,
- the financial statements of the PCC for the year ending on the 31 December preceding the meeting,
- the annual Fabric Report under section 50 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018, and
- a Report of the proceedings of the Deanery Synod.
- Election of PCC Members. Formal notice of results.
Agendas and Minutes | |
Agendas. | |
2022 Meeting of Parishioners. | |
2022 Annual Parish Church Meeting. | |
Electoral Roll | |
2023 Electoral Roll. | |
Vicar's Report | |
Vicar's report. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Memorial Fund and Charity Accounts | |
Activity Reports | |
All Saints Art | |
Bellringers | |
Deanery Synod. | |
Fabric Report | |
Flower Club | |
GreenWatch | |
Mothers Union | |
Music | |
Produce | |
Safeguarding |
Annual Meetings 24th April 2022
Our 2022 meetings were held in Church on Sunday 24th April 2022. A report on these meetings was published in our May 2022 Newsletter.
Meeting of Parishioners 11.30
To elect Churchwardens for 2022-2023. Formal notice of results.
Annual Parish Meeting 11.35
This meeting covered the following:
- a report on the changes to the Electoral Roll since the last Annual Meeting.
- an annual report on the activities of the parish generally and on proceedings of the PCC, including our plans for next year,
- the financial statements of the PCC for the year ending on the 31 December preceding the meeting,
- the annual Fabric Report under section 50 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018, and
- a Report of the proceedings of the Deanery Synod.
- Election of PCC Members. Formal notice of results.
Below are papers for the meeting.
Agendas and Minutes | |
Agendas. | |
2021 Meeting of Parishioners. | |
2021 Annual Parish Meeting. | |
Vicar's Report | |
Vicar's report. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Memorial Fund and Charity Accounts | |
Activity Reports | |
All Saints Art | |
Bellringers | |
Events in our Churchyard | |
Deanery Synod. | |
Fabric Report | |
Flower Club | |
Mothers Union | |
Fellowship Group | |
Messy Church | |
Music | |
Prayer Group | |
Produce | |
Safeguarding |
Annual Meetings 25th April 2021
Our 2021 meetings were held online via Zoom.
We operated in strict accordance with guidance from the Diocese and the specific intructions in Bishop Alan's Instrument.
Results of Elections
Formal notice.
Meeting of Parishioners 11.00
To select Churchwardens for 2021-2022.
Annual Parish Meeting 11.05
In accordance with the guidance from the Diocese this meeting covered the following:
- a report on the changes to the Electoral Roll since the last Annual Meeting.
- an annual report on the activities of the parish generally and on proceedings of the PCC,
- the financial statements of the PCC for the year ending on the 31 December preceding the meeting,
- the annual Fabric Report under section 50 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018, and
- a Report of the proceedings of the Deanery Synod.
- Election of PCC Members. List of nominations.
Below are papers for the meeting. Please note that, due to the short period since the previous AOCM, there was no requirement to produce reports for each sub-group at the meeting. There are links to those that were provided.
Agendas. |
2020 APCM Minutes. |
Accounts |
Statutory Accounts. |
Memorial Fund and Charity Accounts |
Finance report |
Activity Reports |
Our Advent calendar. |
All Saints Art |
Artwork |
Events in our Churchyard |
Fabric Report |
Flower Club |
Hertford & Ware Deanery |
Mothers Union |
Annual Meetings 11th October 2020
Our 2020 meetings were deferred from April due the Covid-19 pandemic and held after the Main Service on Sunday 11th October 2020.
Meeting of Parishioners
Agenda. |
2019 Vestry Minutes. |
Report on changes to Electoral Roll. |
Draft Minutes |
Draft 2020 Vestry Minutes. |
We elected wwo Churchwardens at the Vestry Meeting and 10 PCC representatives at the APCM. The results can be found here.
Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda. | |
2019 APCM Minutes. | |
Vicar's Report | |
Vicar's report. | |
Churchwarden's Report | |
Churchwarden's report. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Memorial Fund and Charity Accounts | |
Treasurer's report | |
Activity Reports | |
All Saints Art | |
Bellringers | |
Events | |
Fellowship Group | |
Flower Club | |
Get up n Go | |
Health and Safety | |
Hertford & Ware Deanery | |
Messy Church | |
Mothers Union | |
Music | |
Safeguarding | |
Sidesmen/Vergers | |
Workparty | |
Draft Minutes | |
Draft 2020 APCM Draft Minutes. |
Annual Meetings 28th April 2019
Vestry Meeting
Agenda. |
2018 Vestry Minutes. |
Draft Minutes |
Draft 2019 Vestry Minutes. |
Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda. | |
2018 APCM Minutes. | |
Vicar's Report | |
2018 Vicar's report. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Group Accounts Approx 3.9 MB | |
Memorial Fund | |
2019 Budget | |
Treasurer's presentation | |
Activity Reports | |
All Saints Art | |
Bellringers | |
Fellowship Group | |
Flower Club | |
Get up n Go | |
Hertford & Ware Deanery | |
Hall | |
Messy Church | |
Mothers Union | |
Music | |
Safeguarding | |
Sidesmen/Vergers | |
Workparty | |
Draft Minutes | |
Draft 2019 APCM Minutes. |
Annual Meetings 29th April 2018
Vestry Meeting
Agenda. |
2017 Vestry Minutes. |
Draft 2018 Vestry Minutes. |
Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda. | |
2017 APCM Minutes. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Group Accounts. Approx 3.9 MB | |
Treasurer's presentation. | |
Reports | |
2017 reports. | |
2017 Vicar's report. | |
A note about stewardship. | |
Draft 2018 APCM Minutes. |
Annual Meetings 30th April 2017
Vestry Meeting
Agenda. |
2016 Vestry Minutes. |
Draft 2017 Vestry Minutes. |
Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda. | |
2016 APCM Minutes. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Group Accounts. Approx 3.9 MB | |
Treasurer's presentation. | |
Reports | |
2016 reports. | |
Review of 2016. | |
PCC open meeting re future direction. | |
Draft 2017 APCM Minutes. |
Annual Meetings 10th April 2016
Vestry Meeting
Agenda. |
2015 Vestry Minutes. |
Draft 2016 Vestry Minutes. |
Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda. | |
2015 APCM Minutes. | |
Accounts | |
Statutory Accounts. | |
Group Accounts. Approx 3.9 MB | |
Reports | |
2015 reports. | |
2015 Vicar's report. | |
Draft 2016 APCM Minutes. |
Useful links
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Information for Hirers
Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at
To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator:
Can't find something?
Please email us (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar