Thursday 1st | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 4th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Ireland in F
| | | | Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace S.S.Wesley
| | | | Grands Jeux (Suite Brève) Langlais
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| | | | A New Year Carol Britten
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Vaughan Williams Mass in g minor
| | | | Locus Iste Bruckner
| | | | Praeludium in g minor BuXWV 148 Buxtehude
Wednesday 7th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith
| | | | Tallis Short Service
| | | | O sing joyfully Byrd
| | | | A Voluntary for my Lady Nevill MB XXVIII:61 Byrd
Thursday 8th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 11th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | Lord, for thy tender mercies sake Hilton
| | | | A prayer for peace Lord
| | | | Sonata in A Op 65/3 Mendelssohn
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Radcliffe
| | | | Stanford in C
| | | | O for a closer walk with God Stanford
| | | | Fantasia in d Op 59 Stanford
Thursday 15th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 18th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | O come ye servants of the Lord Tye
| | | | Beati quorum via Stanford
| | | | Allegro con Brio Op 65/4 Mendelssohn
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP |
| | | | Bairstow in D
| | | | O thou the central orb Wood
| | | | Dialogue sur les mixtures (Suite Brève) Langlais
Wednesday 21st | 8.00 pm | Choral Eucharist | BCP | Reading
| | | | God so loved the world Stainer
| | | | Heinlein Six choral preludes Leighton
Thursday 22nd | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 25th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | O holy spirit Tye
| | | | Agnus Dei (Mass in G) Schubert
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP |
| | | | Lord, let me know mine end Greene
| | | | Allegro Op 65/4 Mendelssohn
Thursday 1st | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 4th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Sumsion in Bb
| | | | For I went with the multitude Aston
| | | | Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist BWV 671 J.S.Bach
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Palestrina Missa brevis
| | | | Agnus Dei II (Missa Brevis) Palestrina
| | | | Moderato (Symphonie 7) Op 42/3 Widor
Wednesday 7th | 7.30 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
| | | | Timor et Tremor Poulenc
| | | | Attende Domini Demessieux
Thursday 8th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 11th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | Hide not thou thy face Farrant
| | | | Call to remembrance Farrant
| | | | Allegro & Fugue (Sonata ii) Mendelssohn
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Ayleward
| | | | Wood Eb no 2
| | | | Vinea mea electa Poulenc
| | | | Christe, aller welt Trost BWV 670 J.S.Bach
Thursday 15th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 18th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | God be in my head Rutter
| | | | For the beauty of the earth Rutter
| | | | Fugue in G BWV 577 ?J.S.Bach
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Rose
| | | | Howells Coll:Regale
| | | | Like as the hart Howells
| | | | Kyrie, Gott vater BWV 659 J.S.Bach
Wednesday 21st | 7.30 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
| | | | Salvator Mundi Blow
| | | | Voluntary in d MB LXIX:8 Blow
Thursday 22nd | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
| Sunday 25th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| | 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | | Drop, drop slow tears Gibbons
| | | | | God so loved the world Stainer
| | 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP |
| | | | | O Lord, look down from heaven Battishill
| | | | | Wir glauben all' BWV 680 J.S.Bach
| Wednesday 28th | 7.15 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
| | | | | Salvator Mundi (I) Tallis
| | | | | Lamentations (I) Tallis
| | | | | Christe qui lux es et dies EECM VI:36 Redford
| |
Sunday 1st | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Palestrina Missa Brevis
| | | | Valet will ich der geben BWV 735 J.S.Bach
| | | | Hosanna to the Son of David Weelkes
| | | | Crucifixus Lotti
| | | | O Lamm Gottes unschuldig BWV 1085 J.S.Bach
| | | | Mon âme cherche une fin paisable Op 40/7 Langlais
| 6.15 pm | Evensong | BCP | Said
| 7.30 pm | Concert | | Including most of Parts II and III of Messiah Handel
Maundy | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Thursday 5th | 8.00 pm | Parish Communion | CW | and Commemoration of the Last Supper
| | | | Leighton in D
| | | | Ave verum Byrd
Good | 9.45 am | Family Service
Friday 6th | 10.30 am | Witness | | Service at Bircherley Green
| 2.00 pm | Meditation | | An hour at the foot of the cross
| 6.30 pm | Meditation | | St Matthew Passion J.S.Bach
Saturday 7th | 8.00 pm | Vigil | | Gloria (Mass for 4 Voices) Byrd
| | | | Te Deum in Bb Stanford
| | | | Rumba sur les Grands Jeux Cholley
Easter | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
Sunday 8th | 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | This joyful Eastertide arr. Wood
| | | | Hallelujah! (Messiah) Handel
| | | | Toccata in C BWV 564/i J.S.Bach
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith
| | | | Stanford in Bb
| | | | Worthy is the Lamb Handel
| | | | Te Deum Hakim
Thursday 12th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 15th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP |
Wednesday 18th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Gibbons/Barnard
| | | | Byrd Second Service
| | | | In Pace Blitheman
| | | | Fantasia MB XXVII:26 Byrd
Thursday 19th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Mathias
| | | | O sing Joyfully Batten
| | | | The Lord my pasture Ayres
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP |
| | | | The strife is o'er Ley
| | | | Fugue in C BWV 564/iii J.S.Bach
Wednesday 25th | 7.30 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
St Mark | | | | My Shepherd is the Living Lord Tomkins
| | | | In Nomine MB V:12 Tomkins
Sunday 29th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | O taste and see Vaughan Williams
| | | | O quam gloriosum Victoria
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Ayleward
| | | | Harwood in Ab
| | | | Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Stanford
| | | | Finale (Sonata Britannica Op 152) Stanford
| | | |
Tuesday 1st | 1.00 pm | Funeral | BCP | Peter Stubbs
| | | | Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr BWV 663 J.S.Bach
| | | | Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit BWV 669 J.S.Bach
| | | | Christe, aller Welt Trost BWV 670 J.S.Bach
| | | | O pray for the peace of Jerusalem Howells
| | | | Psalm 150 Stanford
| | | | Nunc Dimittis (Service in C) Stanford
| | | | Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist BWV 671 J.S.Bach
Wednesday 2nd | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Rose
| | | | Wills on plainsong tones
| | | | Psalm 23 (Requiem) Howells
| | | | Tiento Suite Médiavalé Op 56 Langlais
Thursday 3rd | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 6th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Stanford in Bb
| | | | Hymn to St. Cecilia Howells
| | | | Praeludium in D BuxWV 139 Buxtehude
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Palestrina Missa Brevis
| | | | Agnus Dei II Palestrina
| | | | Acclamations Suite Médiavalé Op 56 Langlais
Wednesday 9th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Sicut Cervus Palestrina
| | | | Toccata IV FbWV 104 Froberger
Thursday 10th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 13th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | Sacerdotes Domini Byrd
| | | | I heard a voice from heaven (Requiem) Howells
| | | |
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith
| | | | Howells Gloucester Service
| | | | O pray for the peace of Jerusalem Howells
| | | | Homage to Howells Postlude on Michael Wills
Wednesday 16th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Frith
| | | | Murrill in E
| | | | O clap your hands Gibbons
| | | | Carillon Murrill
Thursday 17th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 20th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | Teach me O Lord Attwood
| | | | Litany: In honour of St Alban Frith
| | | |
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Leighton
| | | | Leighton Coll: Magdalene
| | | | God is gone up Finzi
| | | | Fanfare Leighton
Wednesday 23rd | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Almighty and everlasting God Tomkins
| | | | Hymn: Te Lucis Penny
Thursday 24th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 27th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | Teach me Thy way Fox
| | | | O for a closer walk with God Stanford
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP |
| | | | Hope of the poor Antrobus
| | | | Veni Creator Frith
Wednesday 30th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Sumsion
| | | | Sumsion in G
| | | | They that go down Sumsion
| | | | Processional Sumsion
Thursday 31st | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 3rd | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Stanford in Bb
| | | | Alleluia, Lord to Thee! Shaw/Burrell
| | | | Prelude in e BWV 548/i J.S.Bach
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Byrd for four voices
| | | | Man that is born of woman Purcell
| | | | Fugue in e BWV 548/ii J.S.Bach
Wednesday 6th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Ayleward
| | | | Tu es Petrus Duruflé
| | | | Wills on Plainsong tones
| | | | Tantum ergo Duruflé
| | | | The Institution of the Eucharist (Book of the Holy Sacrament:8) Messiaen
Thursday 7th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP | Corpus Christi - Thanksgiving for the Institution of the Eucharist
Sunday 10th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | If ye love me Tallis
| | | | Psalm 23 (Requiem) Howells
| | | | Concerto in D Op 5/4 Handel
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Rose
| | | | Dyson in D
| | | | Blessed be the God and Father S.S.Wesley
| | | | Praeludium in a BuxWV 153 Buxtehude
Wednesday 13th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | They are at rest Elgar
| | | | Vesper Voluntary Op 14/n Elgar
Thursday 14th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 17th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | Jesu, the very thought of thee Bairstow
| | | | behold, how good and joyful Vann
| | | |
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Radcliffe
| | | | Howells Gloucester Service
| | | | Psalm 121 (Requiem) Howells
| | | | Praeludium in G BuxWV 147 Buxtehude
Wednesday 21st | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Gibbons/Barnard
| | | | Gibbons Second Service
| | | | Salvator Mundi (I) Tallis
| | | | Fantasia MB XX:8 Gibbons
Thursday 21st | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 24th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | Rejoice in the Lord alway Anon
| | | | Ubi caritas Duruflé
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP |
| | | | O clap your hands Gibbons
| | | |
Wednesday 27th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Ave maria Stravinsky
| | | | Berceuse Stravinsky
Thursday 28th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 1st | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Britten in C
| | | | My beloved spake Hadley
| | | | Te Deum Langlais
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Howells Collegium Regale
| | | | O nata lux Tallis
| | | | Jubilate deo (Dyptique Liturgique) Grunenwald
Wednesday 4th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith (4 Pt)
| | | | Gibbons Short Service
| | | | Verily, verily, I say to you Tallis
| | | | In Nomine MB V:11 Tomkins
Thursday 5th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 8th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | God be in my head Rutter
| | | | Thou knowest Lord Purcell
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith
| | | | Stanford in C
| | | | My soul there is a country Parry
| | | | Prelude "Old 104th" Parry
Wednesday 11th | 7.30 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
Benedict | | | | Afferentur regi Bruckner
| | | | Prelude in D Bruckner
Thursday 12th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 15th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | God be in my head Walford Davies
| | | | Beati quorum via Stanford
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Frith
| | | | Batten Fourth Service
| | | | O Lord, look down from heaven Battishill
| | | | Voluntary (For Mr Wesley) Hook
Wednesday 18th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Reading
| | | | Humfrey in e
| | | | O Lord my God Humfrey
| | | | For a Double Organ (Melothesia) Locke
Thursday 19th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 22nd | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | If ye love me Tallis
| | | | The Lord bless you Rutter
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP | in St John's Hall Garden
Wednesday 25th | 7.30 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
St James | | | | Os justi Bruckner
| | | | Nightsong Penny
Thursday 26th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 29th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| | | | God be in my head Radcliffe
| | | | Litany: To St Alban Frith
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Ayleward
| | | | Harwood in Ab
| | | | Ye choirs of newJerusalem Stanford
| | | | Postlude in D Stanford
Sunday 2nd | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Stanford in Bb
| | | | My beloved spake Hadley
| | | | Hymn to the Sun Vierne
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Darke in F
| | | | Beati quorum via Stanford
| | | | Final Prélude, Cantilène & Final Fleury
Wednesday 5th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP |
Thursday 6th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 9th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | O praise the Lord Batten
| | | | My soul, there is a country Parry
| | | | Fantasia in g BWV 542/i J.S.Bach
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith
| | | | Stanford in Bb
| | | | Evening Hymn Balfour Gardiner
| | | | March (Richard III) Walton
Wednesday 12th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Sancte Deus Tallis
| | | | Fantasy Tallis
Thursday 13th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 16th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | Lord, for Thy tender mercies' sake
| | | | Locus iste Bruckner
| | | | | Fugue in g BWV 542/ii J.S.Bach
| | 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Radcliffe
| | | | | Howells Gloucester Service
| | | | | Thou wilt keep him Wesley
| | | | | Prelude: Spitfire Walton
| Wednesday 19th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Reading
| | | | | Purcell in Bb
| | | | | Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry? Purcell
| | | | | Voluntary in G Purcell
| Thursday 20th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
| Friday 21st | 6.00 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | | In pace Blitheman
| | | | | Gloria tibi Trinitas Blitheman
| Saturday 22nd | 9.30 am | Matins | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | | Hortus conclusus (Enclosed garden) Gombert
| | | | | Quem terra, Pontus, Aethera Buchner
| | 6.00 pm | Festal Evensong | BCP | Frith
| | | | | Stanford in C
| | | | | Lo, the full, final sacrifice Finzi
| | | | | March: Orb & Sceptre Walton
| Sunday 23rd | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| | 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Howells Collegium Regale, with Gloria Martin How
| | | | | Thou visiteth the earth Greene
| | | | | The heavens are telling Haydn
| | | | | March: Crown Imperial Walton
| | 6.30 pm | Festal Evensong | BCP | Rose
| | | | | Bairstow in D
| | | | | The Twelve Walton
| | | | | Te Deum in Bb Stanford
| | | | | Prelude (Richard III) Walton
| Wednesday 26th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | | Hortus conclusus Gombert
| | | | | Ricercare Isaac
| Thursday 27th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
| Sunday 30th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| | 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | | O sing joyfully Batten
| | | | | For the beauty of the earth Rutter
| | | | | Toccata in d (Dorien) BWV 538/i J.S.Bach
| | 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP | Tallis/Barnby
| | | | | Sing Joyfully Byrd
| | | | | Fugue in d (Dorien) BWV 538/ii J.S.Bach
| |
Wednesday 3rd | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Tomkins
| | | | Weelkes in five parts
| | | | My Shepherd is the living Lord Tomkins
| | | | Miserere MB V:13 Tomkins
Thursday 4th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 7th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
| 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | Howells Collegium Regale
| | | | Cibavit eos Byrd
| | | | Intrata (Partita) Howells
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| | | | For the beauty of the earth Rutter
| 6.30 pm | Choral Communion | CW | Howells Collegium Regale
| | | | Ave Verum Elgar
| | | | Finale (Partita) Howells
Wednesday 10th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | They are at rest Elgar
| | | | Vesper Voluntary Elgar
Thursday 11th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 14th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | Cantate Domino Pitoni
| | | | Hear the voice and prayer Tallis
| | | | Final (Symphonie 1) Vierne
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Tomkins
| | | | Murrill in E
| | | | Wash me throughly Wesley
| | | | Psalm 24 van Noordt
Wednesday 17th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Tomkins
| | | | A prayer for St Luke Penny
| | | | Gibbons Second Service
| | | | Salvator Mundi (II) Tallis
| | | | Voluntary MB XX:10 Gibbons
Thursday 18th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 21st | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | Hide not thou thy face Farrant
| | | | Come, Holy Ghost Attwood
| | | | Toccata & Fugue in d BWV 565 J.S.Bach
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Reading
| | | | Weelkes Short Service
| | | | Hosanna to the Son of David Weelkes
| | | | A Ground MB LV:38 Weelkes
Wednesday 24th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Venite Gombert
| | | | Christ qui lux es EECM VI:34 Anon
Thursday 25th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 28th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | Call to remembrance Farrant
| | | | The Lord my pasture shall prepare Ayres
| | | | Hornpipe (Water Music) Handel
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP | Tallis/Barnby
| | | | Hortus Conclusus Gombert
Wednesday 31st | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Noyce
| | | | Holmes Fauxbordons
| | | | Tu es Petrus Duruflé
| | | | Processional Noyce
All Saints | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Thursday 1st | 8.00 pm | Licensing | CW | and Installation of Rev Jo Loveridge as Priest-in-Charge
| | | | Folk Tune Whitlock
| | | | Est-ce Mars Sweelinck
| | | | Psalm 24 van Noordt
| | | | Pastorale Whitlock
| | | | Steal Away Tippett
| | | | Transports de Joie (L'Ascension) Messiaen
All Saints | 8.00 am | No Holy Communion
Sunday 4th | 10.00 am | Choral Communion | CW | Martin How (Gloria) Victoria O Quam Gloriosum
| | | | Give me the wings of faith Bullock
| | | | O Quam Gloriosum Victoria
| | | | Choral Song and Fugue Wesley
| 11.30 am | No Family Service
| 4.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Smith
| | | | Noble in b
| | | | Justorum Animae Byrd
| | | | Prelude and Fugue in G BWV 541 J.S.Bach
Wednesday 7th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Sumsion
| | | | Sumsion in G
| | | | They that go down to the sea in ships Sumsion
| | | | Processional Sumsion
Thursday 8th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 11th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.53 am | | | Service at War Memorial
| 11.30 am | Parade Service | | Prelude in e BWV 548/i J.S.Bach
| | | | Prelude: Spitfire Walton
| | | | Greater love Ireland
| | | | March: Orb and Sceptre Walton
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Rose
| | | | Howells Collegium Regale
| | | | Set me as a seal Walton
| | | | Mors et resurrection Op 5/1 Langlais
Wednesday 14th | 7.30 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | I heard a voice Tomkins
| | | | Miserere MBV:13 Tomkins
Thursday 15th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 18th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | Holy is the true light Harris
| | | | A prayer for peace Lord
| | | | Toccata Mushel
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Leighton
| | | | Leighton Collegium Magdalene
| | | | Let all mortal flesh Bairstow
| | | | Paean Leighton
Wednesday 21st | 7.15 pm | Compline | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Hymne à la Vierge Villette
| | | | In Paradisum Daniel-Lesur
Thursday 22nd | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 25th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | God be in my head Radcliffe
| | | | Gaelic Blessing Rutter
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP | Tallis/Barnby
| | | | O Lord, look down from heaven Battishill
Wednesday 28th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Ebdon
| | | | Humfrey in e
| | | | Thy word is a lantern Purcell
| | | | Voluntary Locke
Thursday 29th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Advent | 8.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 2nd | 10.00 am | Morning Prayer | BCP | and Commemoration of Faithful Departed
| | | | Sumsion in Bb
| | | | I heard a voice from heaven (Requiem) Howells
| | | | Finale Symphionie VI Widor
| 11.30 am | Family Service
| 6.30 pm | Advent | | Congregational Hymns for Advent
| | Carol | | Sleepers wake J.S.Bach
| | Service | | Eternal puposes Messiaen
| | | | Creators of the Stars of night Peeters
| | | | Dogme Demessieux
| | | | Miserere Allegri
| | | | This is the truth Vaughan Williams
| | | | And he shall purify Handel
| | | | People look East arr. Ferguson
| | | | Hymn to the Virgin Britten
| | | | Magnificat (Coll: Mag) Leighton
| | | | Virga Jesse Floruit Bruckner
| | | | How shall I fitly meet Thee? J.S.Bach
| | | | The World awaiting the Saviour Symphonie-Passion Op 23/1 Dupré
Wednesday 5th | 7.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Moore Third service
| | | | While the careless world Jackson
| | | | Chorale Jackson
Thursday 6th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 9th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | William Mathias
| | | | Matin Responsory Palestrina
| | | | Jesus Christ the apple tree Poston
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Plainsong
| | | | Morley Fauxbourdons
| | | | This is the record of John Gibbons
| | | | Fantasia on a theme by Sweelinck MB XIV:4 Bull
Wednesday 12th | 7.00 pm | Compline | | Plainsong
| | | | The word made flesh Wilby
| | | | In manus tuus Demessieux
Thursday 13th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 16th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| | | | King Jesus hath a garden arr Wood
| | | | Virga Jesse floruit Bruckner
| 6.30 pm | Choral Evensong | BCP | Leighton
| | | | Sumsion in A
| | | | And the glory of the Lord Handel
| | | | Fantasia on Helmsley Leighton
Thursday 20th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 23rd | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | The Angel Gabriel arr. Pettman
| | | | Magnificat (Fauxbourdons) Morley
| 6.30 p.m. | Service of Lessons | | Rorate caeli Demessieux
| | and Carols | | Nativité (Symphonie-Passion) Dupré
| | | | The Dawn of Redeeming Grace Bingham
| | | | Pastorale: In Dulci jubilo J.M.Bach
| | | | Sussex carol arr. Willcocks
| | | | Adam lay y-bounden Ord
| | | | For unto us Handel
| | | | A spotless rose Howells
| | | | The Angel Gabriel arr. Pettman
| | | | In dulci jubilo arr. Pearsall
| | | | The Lamb Tavener
| | | | All in the morning arr. V Williams
| | | | Congregational Carols and Hymns with Brass
| | | | Chorale, Fugato & Finale "Noel Nouvelet" Dupré
Monday 24th | 4.00 pm | Crib Service | |
| 11.30 pm | Midnight Mass | CW |
Tuesday 25th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Martin How
| | | | Carols
| | | | From heaven you came Edmundson
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP | Said
Thursday 27th | 11.00 am | Holy Communion
Sunday 30th | 8.00 am | Holy Communion | BCP
| 10.00 am | Parish Communion | CW | Andrew Teague Hertford Mass
| 6.30 pm | Evensong | BCP | Said