Good evening and welcome to All Saints.

Welcome to All Saints' website.

About us

We are a Church of England church situated in the heart of Hertford. Visitors and newcomers are always welcome at All Saints. Whether you're just passing through, new to the area or have lived here for many years, we'd love to meet you!

All Saints is the spiritual home for our growing congregation. We see ourselves as a family united in our desire to worship God and follow Christ. We are all on a journey of discovery together and we aim to support one another in our searching for God and for meaning in our lives.

Services in Church

We usually meet at 10am on a Sunday for our Parish Communion Service (This is a family-oriented all-age communion service for those aged 0-90+ on the first Sunday of each month). There is also a Service at 6.30 every Sunday evening (Special form on 1st Sunday, Choral Evensong on 2nd and 4th and Choral Compline on 3rd).

There are a variety of services during the week.

You would be more than welcome to join us for any of these services and/or our weekday gatherings.

When the Church is open

Open doors

Most weeks the church is open from 8.00am to 5.00 pm every Monday-Thursday, 9.30 am to 10.00 am on Saturdays and 9.30 am to 7.30 pm on Sunday. We are often open for more time on a Saturday.

This week we are also open for the following services/events:

8.00 am Morning Prayer
12 noon for 1.00pm Soundbites Hannah Lewis - Cello Neil Crossland - Piano
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
8.00 am Morning Prayer
11.00 am Holy Communion
7.30 pm All Saints Art
9.30 am Morning Prayer
11.00 am Wedding of Rachel Danaka & John Pilli
16thThird Sunday before lent
10.00 am Family Eucharist
6.30 pm Choral Compline
8.00 am Morning Prayer
5.00 pm Evening Prayer

Directions from Google Maps.

Giving to All Saints

2022 giving card

If you would like to support us with a one-off donation please text ASH followed by an amount to 70085 or visit our account, where you can also set up a regular gift. For more information, and other options, please visit our stewardship page

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Prayer for today

Read it or hear it here.

'Open' All Saints

Worship in Church.

Want help to pray?

Prayer Resources

Can we pray for you?

Please e-mail your request to us.


Newsletters to read/share/print/distribute.

Special Events

How to find us

Directions and maps

Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator:

Can't find something?

Please email us (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar