Worship with All Saints

Welcome to Worship with All Saints!

Services in All Saints

Weekly Service Pattern

Open doors

This week we are open for the following:

8.00 am Morning Prayer
11.00 am Holy Communion
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
7.30 pm All Saints Art
5.30 pm Choir Practices
9.00 am Work Party
9.30 am Morning Prayer
19thSecond Sunday of Epiphany
10.00 am Family Eucharist
6.30 pm Choral Compline
8.00 am Morning Prayer
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
8.00 am Morning Prayer
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
8.00 am Morning Prayer
5.00 pm Evening Prayer

Directions from Google Maps.

We continue to be mindful of our own and other people's safety. Further details here.

Services at home

We are providing a variety of materials/links for use in worship at home for those who are unable to join us in person. You can access them from the table below or by browsing through this webpage.

Quick Links

Resources for Sunday

Weekly Worship

Daily Worship

BBC Radio

Worship from All SaintsZoomed Tuesday Morning Prayer from All SaintsMorning Prayer (Traditional)
Morning Prayer (Modern)
BBC Radio 4 Sunday worship
Cathedral Sunday ServiceWeds Alban Devotion Evening Prayer (Traditional)
Evening Prayer (Modern)
BBC Radio 4 Daily Service
National Sunday ServiceNight Prayer (Traditional)
Night Prayer (Modern)
BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong
Service sheet: this week's Collects, Readings and Notices.Choral Evensongs.

Are these still needed?

We have provided this mix of links and original content since the beginning of the pandemic and are happy to do so IF they fulfil a need. At the same time, it does take time and effort to create these pages and we are unclear if they are really being used.

As of now we are pausing the work to update this page. If you would like us to continue, please tell us at office@allsaintshertford.org. Thank you!

This Week's materials

Third Sunday of Easter

National Service

Food for the journey 🌽

Rev Stephen Baxter, from St Stephen Walbrook in London led a Service for The Third Sunday Of Easter.

He also be preached on 'Food for the journey.'

This service has subtitles and BSL interpretation.

Cathedral Service

Choral Eucharist 11.15 am

Join us for our Choral Eucharist on the Third Sunday of Easter. Our service was sung by the Choir of St Stephen’s Church, Canterbury. The preacher, the Revd Will Gibbs, Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care explored the story of the Emmaus Road and the encounter in word and sacrament with the risen Jesus being for the disciples in the story, and for us, profoundly transformational.

Follow along with the order of service and this week's notice sheet from the Cathedral.


Services at All Saints

This Sunday we heard the story of the special meeting on the Emmeaus Road and our Lord breaking bread. President: Rev Doug; Preacher: Rev Jo. Music by Vaughan Williams, Weeelkes and Slater.

The service was be followed by our Annual Meetings and a Bring & Share Lunch.

Notices, collects and readings

Prayers for this week

Prayers for today and this week:
  • We pray for everyone affected by natural and man-made disasters or war.
  • We pray for all who are frightened or worried.
  • We recall all those who have gone before, those celebrated by the Church, those known to a few and those known only to you.
  • We pray for those without faith, hope or love.
  • Amongst our congregations and friends, we pray for Nerine Chalmers, Joanna Angwin and their families.
  • We remember those who have died and all who mourn them.
  • And in our year's mind John Courtney, John Creasey, Doris Martin, Frances Robinson, Kenneth Pearce and Elsie Wright .


Zoomed All Saints Morning Prayer on Tuesdays

We are holding a said service of Morning Prayer via Zoom at 11am every Tuesday with a chance to chat together over a cup of coffee afterwards.

For friends unable to access Zoom it will be possible to join by telephone. We hope you will be able to join us for what is a short but very meaningful service.

Zoom Link

We have had some problems with the recurring link. If you are not sure that you have it and plan to join on-line please contact Janet Bird on onzooms@allsaintshertford.org. If you plan to join by phone plese call her on 01992 587544 to confirm the latest meeting id and then you will be able to join using one of the numbers below

One Tap Mobile



02034815237,,3391379144#,,,,*424739#0203 481 5237
02034815240,,3391379144#,,,,*424739#0203 481 5240
0203 901 7895
0208 080 6591
0208 080 6592
0330 088 5830
0131 460 1196

You can find the order of service on the Church of England Website at Morning Prayer (Traditional).

We look forward to seeing you.

Other Links

We've kept previous weeks' materials here too.

Worship at home resources for children and families from the Diocese of St Albans Schools Team.

Hozana Prayer communities

Online worship

BBC Radio 4 Sunday worship

BBC Radio 4 Daily Service

BBC Radio 3 Choral Evensong

There are many Live Streamed Services listed here and Choral Evensongs here.

If you have any other suggestions please email us.

Return to previous page

Useful links

How to find us

Directions and maps

Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at https://www.stjohnshallhertford.org/.

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator: office@allsaintshertford.org

Can't find something?

Please email us office@allsaintshertford.org (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar vicar@allsaintshertford.org.