'Open' All Saints
Great to hear you would like to worship with us!
Keeping everyone safe
Even though all legal restrictions have been lifted, if you feel that you would prefer to wear a face mask or want to sit socially distanced from others, please feel able to do so.
Some people have good reason to continue to socially distance. Please respect their choice.
We will continue to wave to one another at the Peace until we all feel safe.
For those who wish it, we are now offering a choice of either plain wafers and the Common Cup, or intincted wafers, or just plain wafers. Please let us know which you prefer during the distribution.
We will continue to have hand sanitiser available and have quite a stock of masks if you feel that you need to use these.
Useful links

Prayer resources
Email any requests to prayer-requests@allsaintshertford.org
More on prayer at All Saints.
Prayers for Family Life and Children
Download the Time to Pray app free.
Read/Hear a prayer for today
Today's Prayer from the Church of England.
Prayer services for today:
How to find us
Information for Hirers
Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at https://www.stjohnshallhertford.org/.
To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator: office@allsaintshertford.org
Can't find something?
Please email us office@allsaintshertford.org (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Vicar vicar@allsaintshertford.org.