12th | Wednesday |
| 8.00 am Morning Prayer |
| 12 noon for 1.00pm Soundbites Clara Thompson - Violin Alice King - Viola |
| 5.00 pm Evening Prayer |
13th | Thursday |
| 8.00 am Morning Prayer |
| 9.30 for 9.45 Lent Group |
| 11.00 am Holy Communion |
| 2.00 pm Funeral of Karin Carne |
| 7.30 pm All Saints Art |
| 7.45 pm Concert Phoenix Jazz Orchestra with Robert Habermann |
15th | Saturday |
| 9.30 am Morning Prayer |
| 9.00 am Work Party |
16th | Second Sunday of Lent |
| 10.00 am Parish Communion |
| 6.30 pm Choral Compline |
17th | Monday |
| 8.00 am Morning Prayer |
| 10.30 am Service at Bentley House |
| 5.00 pm Evening Prayer |
18th | Tuesday |
| 8.00 am Morning Prayer |
| 1.30 pm Abel Smith Year 1 visit |
| 5.00 pm Evening Prayer |
| Lent Group at Hailey Cottage |
19th | Wednesday |
| 8.00 am Morning Prayer |
| 12 noon for 1.00pm Soundbites Tingshuo Yang - Organ |
| 5.00 pm Evening Prayer |
| 7.30 pm PCC |
20th | Thursday |
| 8.00 am Morning Prayer |
| 9.30 for 9.45 Lent Group |
| 11.00 am Holy Communion |
| 5.00 pm Evening Prayer |
| 7.30 pm All Saints Art |
22nd | Saturday |
| 9.30 am Morning Prayer |
26th | Third Sunday of Lent | 10.00 am Parish Communion | | 6.30 pm Choral Evensong | 24th | Monday | | 8.00 am Morning Prayer | | 10.30 am Service at Bentley House | | 5.00 pm Evening Prayer | 25th | Tuesday | | 8.00 am Morning Prayer | | 10.15 am Assembly at Wheatcroft School | | 5.00 pm Evening Prayer | | Lent Group at Hailey Cottage | 26th | Wednesday | | 8.00 am Morning Prayer | | 12 noon for 1.00pm Soundbites English Piano Trio | | 5.00 pm Evening Prayer | 27th | Thursday | | 8.00 am Morning Prayer | | 9.30 for 9.45 Lent Group | | 11.00 am Holy Communion | | 4.00 pm - 9.00 pm Street Food Hroes in Churchyard | | 5.00 pm Evening Prayer | | 7.30 pm All Saints Art | 29th | Saturday | | 9.30 am Morning Prayer | | 7.00 pm Concert by HCS Elijah Mendelssohn | 30th | Mothering Sunday | | 10.00 am Family Service for Mothering Sunday | | 6.30 pm Choral Communion | 31st | Monday | | 8.00 am Morning Prayer | | 10.30 am Service at Bentley House | | 5.00 pm Evening Prayer | |