What we stand for

When we first join the church family we declare our belief and trust in:

  • God the Father, the source of all being and life.

  • God the Son, who was human like us, died for us and rose again.

  • God the Holy Spirit, who gives life to us and makes Christ known in the world.

We believe that God loves all people and calls us to love and serve him and also to love and serve other people.

We believe that God calls us to be a community growing in faith.

We celebrate diversity and strive for a fair and just world.

We are part of the Hertford Team of Churches, part of the Diocese of St Alban's and a committed member of Churches Together.

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How to find us

Directions and maps

Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at https://www.stjohnshallhertford.org/.

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator: office@allsaintshertford.org

Can't find something?

Please email us office@allsaintshertford.org (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Churchwardens wardens@allsaintshertford.org.