Special events for Advent

At the heart of Christmas logo

Welcome. In this second different and difficult year we still look forward being at the Heart of Christmas as we celebrate our Lord's birth.

To help with this we are offering a number of different ways that everyone can take part both in person and at home.

We have grouped the information below into three sections; firstly our plans for Advent and Christmas in the Churchyard, secondly the Church Services we have planned and, thirdly, materials for use at home.

All of this is based on Government and CofE guidance issued on 9th December and is subject to revision if either/both are updated. A full summarised list of events is held in our monthly diary.

In the Churchyard

News Flash!!

Animals in stable

22nd December 2021

To our surprise our North Porch seems to have become a stable, with a variety of animals and furniture.

We hope for some exciting arrivals by 24th and we seem to be ready!

Advent and Christmas in the Churchyard

All Saints tree

From now through Advent and Christmas, All Saints Churchyard will be at the Heart of Christmas.

This is intended to be a safe, outside space in the churchyard where families can experience and enjoy some of the excitement of Christmas, as well as the preparation for Christmas during Advent.

We are working with the themes associated with this time of the year - Comfort, Joy, Hope, Love, Light. Clicking on any of the pictures will download a much larger version.

Children's tree

The Advent Calendar instituted by Gillian Harman last year is once again in place, and one window will be opened each day, telling the Advent story.

Everyone is welcome to join us in decorating trees in the churchyard. We were amazed at how last year’s decorations withstood the weather, so there really is no limit in what can be used. There is an All Saints Tree that anyone can contribute to, a Messy Church Tree, a tree from the All Saints Art Group, and some decorated by different families. Please contribute in any way you would like to - either with your own tree, or by adding to another. Decorations can be left in the vestry, or put straight onto the trees. There is no designated date by which this is to be done - we look forward to a gradual build-up of decorated trees.

'O come' tree

We've also created a Christmas trail explaining what Christmas is all about.

With a QR code reader you can listen to the carols and watch the videos in the trail.

Alternatively you can find some carols on our Youtube Channel using our Christmas playlist.

Do come and enjoy our six acres of space and see how many different birds and plants you can spot too!

In church

In the church there is a display of Advent themed art work (pictures of these will be added in the next couple of days):
  1. prints of Mary and Child reminding us that Jesus did not come for one niche group - He came for everyone, of every nationality and social status;
  2. advent art work from Lindisfarne, and
  3. the carols that we have on the trees in the churchyard.

Details of Christmas services from 24th December into January 2022 can be found in our Christmas webpage.

At Home

With All Saints

Family on-line

We continue to offer access to on-line worship each Sunday, most Tuesdays and on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day on our worship webpage

In 2020 we created an on-line Journey of music, readings, poetry and prayer for the Winter Season from All Saints Day (1st November) to Candlemas (2nd February). Further information and links to individual items is on our Promise of His Glory webpage.

Activities for each day in Advent

Families can join in with these activities for each day in Advent, as we prepare for and celebrate Christmas.

Reading and Discussion

Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York’s Advent book is Music of Eternity: Meditations for Advent with Evelyn Underhill by Dr Robyn Wrigley-Carr

In his foreword to this book, Stephen Cottrell writes:
“Almost before I had begun, I was hooked. In the very first reflection, these words of Evelyn are quoted: ‘You know there are better melodies.’ There can be few better summings-up of the hunger our hearts have for beauty, for adventure, for resolution, for consolation, joy, unity, and for the heart-breaking and heart-mending power of heaven’s music. This book has …..helped me to re-examine the hardships of this past year, and to find Christ at work in unseen corners.”

The book is available in hard copy and Kindle, and Jo is encouraging us to read it during Advent, and then to meet over a cup of coffee in the New Year to discuss it. There are questions at the end of each chapter which will lead to useful and interesting discussion.

Prayers to begin and end the day in Advent

Alan Stewart devised a short time of prayer for anyone to join in at 8.00am and 8.00pm every day of Advent so that we could reconnect ourselves with God's love and feel connected as the Hertford Team as the body of Christ. This time of prayer and reflection could be used quietly as we travelled to work, in our homes and to begin our Church meetings.

Alan also recorded both services. Please right click or option-click the link and choose 'Save target as ....' to download the files

The full liturgy is available here.

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Information for Hirers

Our Hall may have just the slot you need. For further information and/or to make a booking visit the dedicated website at https://www.stjohnshallhertford.org/.

To book the church contact the Parish Adminstrator: office@allsaintshertford.org

Can't find something?

Please email us office@allsaintshertford.org (office hours are 14-16 Thurs and Sat) or contact our Churchwardens wardens@allsaintshertford.org.